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인적자원 양성 및 역량강화, 최신 트렌드와 이슈를 제시하는 KMAC 교육연수
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  • 디지털/IT

[뭉치면연다] CompTIA Pentest+ 자격증 취득대비

보안분석, 침입 및 대응을 다루는 성능 기반의 보안 애널리스트 인증

  • PS적용
교육시간 09:00~18:00 [5일 / 40시간]
환금액 (예정) 고용보험 비환급
교육장 KMAC비즈니스스쿨
교육담당자 김다빈 / 02-3786-0548 / davin16@kmac.co.kr
조민서 / 02-3786-0178 / borid0ng@kmac.co.kr


교육대상 선택
얼리버드 패키지 신청

교육신청 방법 안내

부문별 당월교육

이전 다음



★ CompTIA Pentest+ 자격증을 취득할 수 있다.

-공격에 대비하여 네트워크의 탄력성을 결정하는데 필요한 침투테스트 및 취약성관리기술을 활용할 수 있다.
-프레임 워크를 효과적으로 작업하고 보고하기 위한 기술을 활용할 수 있다.


교육일정 및 내용

일시 세부내용
00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Planning and Scoping

Explain the importance of planning for an engagement.

Explain key legal concepts.

Explain the importance of scoping an engagement properly

Explain the key aspects of compliance-based assessments

• Understanding the target audience

• Rules of engagement

• Communication escalation path

• Resources and requirements

• Budget

• Impact analysis and remediation timelines

• Disclaimers

• Technical constraints

• Risk acceptance

• Tolerance to impact and so on

00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Information Gathering and Vulnerability Identification

Conduct information gathering

using appropriate techniques

Perform a vulnerability scan

Analyze vulnerability scan results

Explain the process of leveraging informationto prepare for exploitation

Explain weaknesses related to specialized systems

• Scanning

• Enumeration

• Packet crafting

• Packet inspection

• Fingerprinting

• Cryptography

• Eavesdropping

• Decompilation

• Debugging

• Open Source Intelligence Gathering and so on

00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Attacks and Exploits

Compare and contrast social engineering attacks

Exploit network-based vulnerabilities

Exploit wireless and RF-based vulnerabilities

Exploit application-based vulnerabilities

Exploit local host vulnerabilities

Summarize physical security attacks related to facilities

Perform post-exploitation techniques

• Phishing

• Elicitation

• Interrogation

• Impersonation

• Shoulder surfing

• USB key drop

• Motivation techniques

• Name resolution exploits

• SMB exploits

• SNMP exploits

• SMTP exploits

• FTP exploits

• DNS cache poisoning

• Pass the hash and so on

00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Penetration Testing Tools

Use Nmap to conduct information gathering exercises

Compare and contrast various use cases of tools

Analyze tool output ordata related to a penetration test

Analyze a basic script


• SYN scan (-sS) vs. full connect scan (-sT)

• Port selection (-p)

• Service identification (-sV)

• OS fingerprinting (-O)

• Disabling ping (-Pn)

• Target input file (-iL)

• Timing (-T)

• Output parameters and so on

00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Reporting and Communication

Use report writing and handling best practices

Explain post-report delivery activities

Recommend mitigationstrategies for discovered vulnerabilities

Explain the importance of communicationduring the penetration testing process

• Normalization of data

• Written report of findings

and remediation

• Risk appetite

• Storage time for report

• Secure handling and

disposition of reports

• Client acceptance

• Lessons learned

• Follow-up actions/retest

• Attestation of findings and so on

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