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[뭉치면연다] Fiori 개발자 전문 과정 (Developing SAP Fiori UIs and SAPUI5)

SAP 공인과정

  • PS적용
교육시간 09:00~18:00 [5일 / 15시간]
환금액 (예정) 고용보험 비환급
교육장 KMAC비즈니스스쿨
교육담당자 김다빈 / 02-3786-0548 / davin16@kmac.co.kr
조민서 / 02-3786-0178 / borid0ng@kmac.co.kr


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§본 과정은 SAP SAPUI5를 전반적으로 이해할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.
§이클립스에서 새 프로젝트를 생성함으로써 SAPUI5 응용 프로그램을 프로그래밍할 수 있습니다.
§모델-뷰-컨트롤러, 데이터바인딩, SAPUI5 모바일, SAPUI5 최적화 등에 관한 내용을 학습합니다.
§SAP UX 전략 중 하나인 SAPUI5에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 SAP Fiori 개발과 Customizing을 할 수 있도록 학습하는 교육과정입니다.


교육일정 및 내용

일시 세부내용
00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분
SAP Fiori UX
•Explaining the SAP Fiori UX

User Experience Design
•Explaining Design Thinking
• Explaining Decomposition and Re-composition
• Working with SAP BUILD

SAP Fiori Design Guidelines
•Understanding SAP Fiori Design Guidelines
•Understanding App Types

•Working with the SAP Web IDE

Development Basics SAP Web IDE
•Using the Development Tools of SAP Web IDE

SAPUI5 Basics
•Understanding SAPUI5 Basics: Bootstrapping and MVC
•Understanding SAPUI5 Basics: Modules, Data Binding and Translatable Texts
•Understanding SAPUI5 Basics: Component and App Descriptor
•Understanding SAPUI5 Basics: Margins and Paddings, CSS, Dialogs and Fragments
•Understanding SAPUI5 Basics: Aggregation and Expression Binding
•Understanding SAPUI5 Basics: Custom Formatting, Filtering, Sorting, and Grouping
•Understanding SAPUI5 Basics: OData Model
•Understanding SAPUI5 Basics: Testing
•Understanding SAPUI5 Basics: Routing and Navigation
•Understanding SAPUI5 Basics: Visualizing Business Data
00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분
Golden Rules of SAPUI5 Development
•Knowing the Golden Rules of SAPUI5 Development

SAP Fiori Design Guidelines
•Implementing SAP Fiori Uis using the SAP Fiori Design Guidelines

SAP Fiori Launchpad
•Understanding the SAP Fiori Launchpad
•Understanding the Technical Perspective of SAP Fiori Launchpad
•Lesson: Understanding the SAP Fiori Launchpad Configuration

SAP Fiori Launchpad Services
•Understanding the SAP Fiori Launchpad Services

SAP Fiori Foundation
•Learning the Difference between Application
•Framework, Page Layout and Floorplans
•Understanding Fullscreen
•Understanding SplitScreen

SAP Fiori Design Guidelines
•Describing the General Concepts of the SAP Fiori 
•Design Guidelines
•Describing App Types Defined in the SAP Fiori Guidelines
•Describing Floorplans Defined in the SAP Fiori Guidelines
•Describing the Object View, as Defined in the SAP Fiori Guidelines
•Describing the List Report, as Defined in the SAP Fiori Guidelines
•Describing the Flat Object View, as Defined in the SAP Fiori Guidelines
•Creating Main Entities, as Defined in the SAP Fiori Guidelines
•Describing the Worklist, as Defined in the SAP Fiori Guidelines
•Describing the Draft Handling, as Defined in the SAP Fiori Guidelines
•Describing the SAP Fiori Locking
00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분
OpenUI5 Overview
•Explaining SAP User Experience Strategy
•Exploring Key Enablement Tools for SAP User Experience
•Describe SAP Fiori in Relation to User Experience
•Understanding OpenUI5 Architecture
•Exploring the Relationship Between OpenUI5 and SAP Fiori
•Exploring the Differences Between OpenUI5 and SAPUI5

OpenUI5 Development Options 
•Working with OpenUI5 in Eclipse
•Setting up a HANA Cloud Platform Account
•Exploring the Basics of SAP WEB DIE

OpenUI5 Project Basics
•Using the Model View Controller (MVC) Design Pattern
•Creating a WEB IDE Project
•Applying OpenUI5 Programming Basics

OpenUI5 Controls
•Describing OpenUI5 UI Controls
00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분
OpenUI5 Application Debugging
•Using Browser-Based Debugging Tools
•Exploring Available OpenUI5 Documentation
•Exploring SAP Web IDE Code Assist

Layouts and Custom Controls
•Using Layouts 
•Using UI Areas
•Revising Core Functions 
•Creating Custom Controls

Data Handling
•Exploring Model Types
•Performing Binding Operations
•Performing Property Binding Operations
•Performing Advanced Binding Techniques
•Performing Advanced Binding Techniques: Master-Detail
•Performing OData Query Options
•Performing Common Data Operations: Format
•Performing Common Data Operations: Sort and Filter
•Performing Common Data Operations: Calculated Fields and Data Validation
00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분
Additional OpenUI5 Development Features
•Working with Resources
•Building Apps Using Modularization
•Performing Application Localization
•Working with Components
•Using Third-party Libraries
•Optimizing OpenUI5 Apps

OpenUI5 Branding 
•Using Themes in OpenUI5
•Adding Styles to an Application

Appendix: Developing SAP Fiori Uis

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